Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни. 1. We hsven`t got some/any armchairs in the living room 2. They`ve got some/any meat in thefridge 3. Has she got some/any glasses in t he cupboard? 4. There is some/any rice in the box 5. Can I have some/any chocolat, Mum? 6. Are there some/ any mirrors in the bathroom? 7. I can`t see some/any children in the garden 8. I usually have some/any aggs for breakfast on Sunday

he cupboard? 4. There is some/any rice in the box 5. Can I have some/any chocolat, Mum? 6. Are there some/ any mirrors in the bathroom? 7. I can`t see some/any children in the garden 8. I usually have some/any aggs for breakfast on Sunday

Илья Александровский
06-03-2019 04:42

1. We haven`t got any armchairs in the living room. 2. They`ve got some meat in thefridge 3. Has she got any glasses in the cupboard? 4. There is some rice in the box 5. Can I have some chocolat, Mum? 6. Are there any mirrors in the bathroom? 7. I can`t see any children in the garden 8. I usually have some aggs for breakfast on Sunday

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